JonTron Wiki

Welcome to the JonTron Wiki

Welcome to the JonTron Wiki. This is the wiki for all things JonTron. Make sure you read the site rules and guidelines before creating pages, commenting, and especially making scripts.

Don't be afraid of adding a new page about a video that isn't on here yet.

Please do not edit pages to make them less profane and/or more professional. We all know Jon's sense of humour, and it's far from impossible to be humorous and informative at the same time. And memetic comments are acceptable, but for deity's sake, people, don't post the entire Bee Movie script. It's not funny.

Latest JonTron Episodes

February 29, 2024 - Bruh what the fuck it's been like four days, slow down.


December 24, 2023 - Merry Chrysler ya bunch of beans. Jon's present to us is a shittily-made wrestling movie that I'd argue is even worse than A Talking Cat. Check out Jon's thoughts in This Christmas Movie Cures Comas.
